It would help us a lot if you share with us any technical bugs you find in the game.
You can do that via the in-game support chat or report to us at Discord:
The following guidelines will help you accurately write a bug report, which in its turn will greatly aid us in its further investigation. Any detail and context is important, so when reporting a bug please provide:
  • a detailed description of the bug: what makes it a bug?;
  • possible steps to reproduce it: sequence of actions to trigger such behavior;
  • frequency of its occurrence: is it a one-time or recurring issue? If the latter, how often does it occur?;
  • time and date of the incident specifying your time zone.
Finally, a screenshot or even better a screen recording video of the bug is always appreciated. It is not a problem for the latest Android and iOS versions, as they have inbuilt screen recorders.