Design button (you can find it at the bottom of the screen in the Shop screen) includes objects that the you can buy and place in the Store receiving different buffs or for simply improving your Shop looks.

Some of these objects give you special buff in Prestige points, allowing you to attract more cutomers. 

You can also find stands, racks, mannequins and tables to store the items you have crafted and you can also buy and place crates and containers to increase the resources capacity for crafting items.

 There are several sections:
  • Windows - includes window layout and window design, doesn't give you any Prestige points but makes your shop look nice;
  • Furniture - there you can find stands, tables, racks and mannequins at one section, crates and containers section, standing decorations section and floor decorations section.
  • Surfaces - includes flooring and walls, with some of them giving you extra Prestige points. 
  • Expand button - allows you to expand you shop.

Combaining items from different sections will make your Shop super nice, attracting more customers and will allowing you to decrease your crafting time to help as many of your fellow survivors as possible! 

Please, note that your decorations inventory is shared between your Shop and your Trading post (you can remove items from the shop and put them at your Trading Post and vice versa).