[Gameplay] Guilds
What are guilds and why should I join them?
Joining guilds is an amazing way to connect with more players and do bounties and get more rewards. The game will offer you to create o...
What are guild bounties?
Bounties are a way for your guild to help each other earn guild coins.There are different kinds of bounty challenges you can choose from. Pl...
What do I need guild coins for?
Guild coins are gained through completing guild bounties. They are used as a currency in the guild store. To get to the guild store you...
How do I create or join a guild?
You are able to join or create a guild right at the beginning of the game during the tutorials.At first, you can create your own guild...
Why isn't my guild showing up in search?
There are a few reasons a guild might not show up in a search:The player searching for it is in the guild. You can't search for a guild you'...
How do I leave my current guild? Can I delete my guild?
Please, note that you cannot delete your Guild, you can join another Guild or create a new one(but if there are no guild members left, a gui...
How do I manage my guild?
When creating a guild you need to come up with a guild name and also select a number of settings:Guild type: Public, accessible to all;Priva...
What are Guild Ranks and what privileges they have?
There are 3 main Ranks inside a guild: Boss, Assitant and Member. The guild Boss can appoint several Assistants among other guild...
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