Radar is an pirate-detection system that uses radio waves to determine the range and angle of space objects. Higher radar level leads to bigger coverage area. The scanning area radius is measured in astronomical units and displayed in the Information panel (press 'i' in the building).

Also in the Radar building there is an Office -- a special place for special Commanders named Advisors. As you upgrade this building, the number of slots in the Office increases, and you can appoint Advisors there. Once they’re accommodated, their skills become active.
Mission Control Center (MCC) is a facility that manages aerospace vehicle flights, usually from the point of lift-off until the landing or the end of the mission. Boosters are also managed from the MCC. The level of the building affects on the maximum number of fleets that are simultaneously in flight — up to 11.

Here you can turn your fleets back at any moment of their flight, for example if the target pirate base was destroyed, or the enemy garrison on the target planet was significantly strengthened.

Space Port is used as a base to build space fleet ships (both civil and combat). The level of the building affects the order queue volume. Space Port can build only one type of ships and turrets at the same time.
Warp Complex allows to restore lost in battles fleets. The level of the building affects the repair bay capacity and the number of time warm cells.

Science Block is used to carry out R&D of various technologies: energy, mobility systems, defense ans attack equipment. The level of this building increases research rate. The technology tree here allows you to adjust the development of your planet, affects the mining operations, speed, damage and protection of fleets and turrets, and so on.

Cyber Plant produces defensive turrets. Its level affects the order queue volume and overall volume for defensive units.

Bunker is well-fortified defensive fortification, constructed underground to hide the units. The level of this building affects the number of metal, polymers, and antimatter saved as well as the hangar capacity.

Ore Mine, Polymers Farm, and Antimatter Generator are resource-producing buildings. Their level affects the amount of produced resource per hour: Ore Mine — up to 230,000 per hour, Polymers Plant — up to 120,000 per hour, and Antimatter Generator — 57,000 per hour.

Depots is primary resource storage locations. There are three kinds of these depots: Metal Depot, Polymers Depot, and Antimatter Depot. The level of Metal Depot affects the storage capacity up to 270,000,000, Polymers Depot — up to 225,000,000, and Antimatter Depot — up to 180,000,000.

Shield Generator:
On the top part, we can see the total power of defense on planet power-wise.
Following, you have the option to select up to 2 commanders to boost the defense power.
Once selected, they will remain locked here and unable to be used until they are released. To do so, you will need to tap on the arrow shown on the right, and then X.
On top of this, Shield Generator will now determine how many cubic metres of fleet you can have as reinforcements. This increases with each level of the building.

Military Council:
Alongside with the new rally mechanics change, this building now determines your maximum rally combined fleet size. Rallies will not be limited by the amount of players joining them, but by the maximum fleet size of it. This is determined by the Rally Leader’s Military Council level (and commanders leading it), where each level increases the maximum cubic metres of the rally fleet. This applies for both, rallying players and environment (Elite Pirates, Flos).
In this building, you can also see the current active rallies within the corporation.
“Bomber Casualty” Bar: this building is where you can manage your commanders and Apex summons.
Entering in more info, we can see the time it takes to earn free Apex:
Each level will reduce the time needed for gaining a free Ultra Summon (gold Apex) up to a maximum of 2 every day (for level 30) which can be claimed 10 minutes apart from each other. Whatever it’s level, you receive 5 free standard summons daily (fourth column) which reset at 00:00 GMT and can be claimed 10 minutes apart from each other (last column).
These last values are not changed when leveling the building, only ultra summon’s timing is reduced by improving the building.
Bar efficiency:

Summons can be completed by going into the last menu:

Here we have both summons: standard (blue) and ultra (gold). On the top right we have our current stash of each as well as our credits count. Each summon will consume one item of the kind. On the bottom part, we can see the buttons to complete the summon.
Both can be used one at a time, or in batches of 10, making no difference but the time spent on doing so. Above each single summon button, you can see the “Free summons” count, which will be used prior to using our own stash.
Finally, on the top right, we have a question mark, where we can see the reward pool set for each type of summon.
Once we engage in a summon, we will receive four items and are prompted to carry on summoning, or stop:

After using all our summons, we can acquire more of each kind. For standard summons, the cost is 800 credits, and for each ultra summon, the cost is 2.500 credits.

On the left panel, we can see currently summoned commanders under “Your commanders”; those who we have yet to unlocked “Not Summoned, and those who we have already unlocked but not summoned “Can be summoned”. When you select a commander, it’s full portrait will show screen centered, and it’s parameters on the right side; below it, we can see the commander’s power, this is determined by the combination of his level, rank and skills, as well as it’s status (rare, epic, legendary).