There are two types of spaceships: military and civilian. All ships are created in the Space Port. The speed of production is affected by the Structural Plasticitation technology.
Each ship has five parameters: armor, damage, speed, fuel, capacity, and volume.
+ Power - each unit represents power. It’s value is calculated from the ship's damage, armor, speed and cargo capacity, and this determines part of your overall player power and flight power.
+ Damage - this represents the damage your units currently do.
+ Armor - represents the “health points” of each unit. This is the amount of damage it can sustain before being destroyed.
+ Speed - how fast the unit will travel in the galaxy.
+ Volume - flight capacity, bunker, repair bay, spaceport, these are all measured in cubic metres.
Each unit occupies a specific volume, and as such, each of the mentioned concepts will have lower unit capacity, the more volume the unit type occupies, being Light Fighters the smallest, and Titans the biggest. Different tiers do not have different volumes for the same ship type, so, a Light Fighter 1 will occupy the same volume as a Light Fighter 2.
+ Fuel - when ships are sent to attack a player, they consume antimatter. Fuel represents the antimatter consumption of the ships (considering modifications as mentioned above).
+ Capacity - refers to cargo holds. How many resources can the ship hold on missions (this might be attacking other players, mining wrecks or transport missions to friendly planets).
The armor of ships and defensive towers is affected by the level of Fleet Strengthening technology, the damage — by the level of Fleet's Weapons Techs. Also, the armor and damage of your fleets are affected by the Fleet Mastery technology. The volume of transports increases with the level of the Lorentz Transformation technology.