Why can't I make a purchase?
There are a few reasons that your purchases may not be going through. General: Purchases may fail if your internet connection is weak. P...
Where can I find receipts?
You should be receiving receipts from your store via email (or sometimes via SMS) shortly after your purchase. In case you cannot find the r...
How do I disable in-app purchases?
To set restrictions on your device, please refer to the link:For Google For Apple If you’d like to continue making in-app purchase...
I did not receive my purchased item, what to do?
In the rare case that your transaction was handled but you didn't receive your item, please contact us. We will investigate the issue and, i...
How can I get a refund on a purchase I made?
If the purchase was made on an Apple (iOS) device: All refunds are handled by Apple, who you can contact at
What is the subscription?
Subscription is a special type of purchase. Once you've signed up, you can collect 300 gold coins every day in the same menu where you had d...
How does the First Mate work? (subscriptions)
For the duration of the rank, you get access to the special assistant. You can find his icon on the left from the settings button at the bot...
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